MW Photography

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Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Investment or Cost?

During the last 18 months or so most people have had to really tighten their financial belts and are managing their budgets much more carefully. A question that photographers get asked a lot is 'how come you're charging £25 for an 8x10" print, when I can get it for £1.50 from Boots?'

With more and more people getting decent digital cameras at Christmas or Birthdays, this question gets asked much more frequently. The principal answer can be found here on the Consumer Guide to Custom Photography.

I really believe that by commissioning a photographer that you can work with as a team is a great investment...

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Different Strokes.....

Took some stills today to let you see just a couple of different post processing techniques that are available. I love black and white images as I think they’re timeless, but you maybe prefer something a bit softer like the second image. These are the kinds of things that clients can choose after the shoot itself, so that your images can be displayed in a style that suits your personality and home.

If you’re interested in a shoot, please just give me a call on 07801 010180 for an informal chat about what it is you’re after.

Michaela x

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Winter Wonderland Part II

River Dee, Aberdeen

Managed to get out for about 15 minutes before another snow fall - this is the River Dee taken from Culter. Everything just looks so magical just now - like a scene from Narnia!

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Winter Wonderland

Culter Trees

It has snowed pretty much (on and off now) for over three weeks, and everywhere looks amazing. R and I went for a long walk with Millie today. This pic was taken from along the railway line at Culter, Aberdeen.

Monday, 4 January 2010

Happy New Year

Dunnottar Castle, Stonehaven, Scotland

The run up to Christmas was incredibly busy with last minute orders for prints and vouchers for Christmas presents. The holidays have been incredibly busy too between visiting friends & family and family & friends visiting... The weather has been incredible - it's snowed constantly for over two weeks now, and it snowed again last night. Although incredibly icy we managed to get down to Dunnottar Castle on Hogmanay and took some pics of the ruins there - incredibly atmospheric!

The holidays are almost over, and am really looking forward to working with clients old and new in 2010.

Best wishes for the year ahead. Michaela x